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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • Very significant. Their coalition is no different from ours, formed of many different factions that don’t agree on a whole lot. They’re just better at taking marching orders and falling in line behind their candidate.

    We do have an opportunity to peel away people that aren’t so fond of overt fascism and add to our election tally though, so, I’m not complaining. Even when its a neocon defecting.

    In addition to peeling off people that aren’t so eager for dictatorship, we also have an opportunity to peel off genuinely religious people, who actually try to follow Jesus’ message. While most religious people do it more as a club membership, the genuinely devout can be reminded what their lord and savior actually instructed them to do.

  • I’ve already said, I don’t give a shit what an IDF officer says. I actually know better than to listen to military messaging. Yes they get weapons from us, but do they have to or are there other ways on planet Earth to get weapons asides buying from the US?

    Still waiting for your Egyptian victory.

    Perhaps you were talking about Yom Kippur, where if I recall Egypt and one other country (not Hezbollah) launched a surprise attack with the aid of advanced kit from the USSR, gained some ground and then were beaten back?

    Quit believing dumb propaganda

  • They won several wars in their early history, before getting an advanced air force, on the back of heavy infantry casualties. Again, you have no evidence.

    What would a rocket barrage do? Kill tons of Israelis. Would that defeat the IDF somehow? We learned in WW2 that you can level cities, but the country will fight on. What can Iran do asides fire missiles? March through the two countries in the way?

    I am not the one living in fantasy. I am not the one just conveniently believing dumb shit spoonfed to me for someone’s political purposes.

  • Yes, they get a lot of weapons from us, no question. It is very advantageous for them to do so. The question is, do they have to? You seem to think yes, but have no evidence to support that. Nor does it make any sense, except with regards to the most advanced weapons.

    Plenty of other countries manage to get weapons without getting them from the US.

    Do the bulldozers need to be armored to do work enabling the genocide of Gazans? No, right? You cannot seem to distinguish optional things from requirements. Necessities from conveniences. Why is this?

  • You’ve been fed a picture of a past that you did not live in, where men apparently were much better off. You should question that picture, make sure somebody isn’t just blowing smoke up your ass, whether because of rose-colored glasses or something more malicious.

    WW1, the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, WW2, Vietnam… it’s hasn’t always been that great for a man. These are real things, they all happened in addition to any storybook pictures you might have in your head. Remember what our forefathers had to go through to get us here, it wasn’t all good things. It’s only fair then that we, too, have our hard times that we must face. We don’t need to tear other people down to overcome them.

  • Biden was a good candidate, just too old, that’s all. He’s saved far more Palestinian lives than anyone in your movement did, though. You want us in the West to divest, at which point nothing holds Netanyahu back from just completely cutting the last of the food aid and finishing the job in a single month.

    You just don’t know how to recognize a messy, ugly, harm reduction scheme, instead preferring some sort of purist, noble-minded alignment driven by wishful thinking and based on a misinformed concept that Israel would somehow magically fall apart without the US. When they’re really just using us, because it’s conveniently their best option.

    The ugly reality is, though, that you don’t actually need big bombs to kill all the Gazans. Or even defeat Hezbollah honestly, considering they’re outnumbered 4 to 1 by the IDF. And no, the Sunnis will not all rise up to attack Israel alongside a Shiite militia funded by a regional rival to the Sunnis, regardless of your fantasies. And that’s not even mentioning the modern Israeli nuclear arsenal.

    So sick and tired of you tearing down what you don’t understand because it doesn’t fit your childish views of somehow saving the day. It’s not that easy. Biden did the best anyone could have, in an ugly situation. He kept Netanyahu strung out on a line, needing us, and was able to stop him before Rafah by withholding those bombs.

    The man deserves some understanding for how many people could have died if he just did what you all ask for, because Netanyahu would not have just sat down and stopped. Not so long as he still had bullets for machine guns, hand grenades and bulldozers, which is all that’s really necessary to wipe out every last Gazan.

  • Yeah it’s true. Though with weather its more egregious, we have a huge dataset to test weather predictions vs weather results against, to test the accuracy of models.

    Our ability to test election forecasting percentages is limited to a dataset too small and too different year-to-year to call it tested. So, it really is much less grounded in empirical reality than weather forecasting. It’s mathematical voodoo, in my eyes closer to numerology than science.