Quak, Quak, quuaakk

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t know anyone laughing though. I do know a lot of people that look at it and worry. The blatant lying, the calls to violence, the open fascism, cult like following… If this tips the wrong way, the children of the future will be learning about jan6 and what is to come like we learn about the night of the long knifes.

    The example Trump is teaching the whole world is that there are no consequences if you just double down and keep saying insane shit while throwing your weight around. And even federal judges will bend for you à

  • That has to do with fuckery around the term recycling. What normal people have been led to believe is only a very narrow definition of recycling and not what happens in most cases. Burning plastic is considered recycling as the waste is recycled into fuel.

    Same with renewable energy… sure the trees you chip down and burn can be regrown… but that is not what people are led to believe is what they are being sold.

    This is not on the local municipalities. They where saddled with waste and had to deal with it, they did as good as they could. And many people have been yelling about this since before 2000… It was just ignored untill microplastic where found in the balls and brain.

    This along with big oil needs to be dragged infront of a tribunal and higher-ups from the last 40 years need to be held to account. We have room in the Hague.