No shit. Corporate greed is the cause of so many shitty things in life.
No shit. Corporate greed is the cause of so many shitty things in life.
Fascism is the enemy of science. Scientific progress can no longer be done in the US, we’ll have to rely on the rest of the world to pick up the slack now.
I don’t play games with anyone, and Stellaris is not a game I have had an issue with.
The silver lining of fascists taking over the US is that these fascists are so comically incompetent that they remove any chance of the US actually being a threat.
I wonder if Tesla will be considered a good car brand in 100 years, like how Volkswagen is today.
At least the US is making itself increasingly incompetent IE not a threat
Americans be like “I traveled all the way to Hamburg and they ain’t even got the GigaMcAssblaster Five-Pounder wit’ ranch waffle fries and a gallon jug o’ Mountain Dew.”
Because they’d arrest 90% of the government if it continued.
I think the rest of the world should ban all travel in and out of the US. Force them into quarantine.
In FromSoft games it’s the complete opposite.
I hope it withers and blows away. It’s what she deserves for voting Trump.
My bet is the oldest person on that boat is 22.
If I was in charge of a country’s military I would not buy hardware from the US. How can I be sure they haven’t loaded it with some sort of backdoor that disables it if it’s used against the US?
That was the immediate thought I had. The US is going around like a beggar asking for eggs, it’s pathetic.
Could this be the worst designed car ever made? I really wish we could have a Top Gear episode on it.
This man needs to die. There’s no sugarcoating it.
Certain places? Like, Washington?
Can’t reach perfection without iteration.
Starlink is gonna get phased out, guaranteed in Europe at least, as people learn they can’t trust it. And I do believe SpaceX stuff keeps blowing up.
Here’s hoping