Looking for @[email protected] to help lay out how they will implement the changes for the policies or issues the voters want.

  • Wes4Humanity@lemm.ee
    25 days ago

    Fix the fucking election system… No more gerrymandering, money out, make voting day a holiday, make mail in easy, zero bullshit restrictions making voting harder, ranked choice, no electoral college, get a handle on primaries too

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    25 days ago

    Single payer healthcare.

    Criminal justice reform (e.g., reform rather than punishment).

    Overturning the NFA of 1934 and the GCA, strengthening the PLCAA.

    Wealth taxes.

    Returning the marginal tax rates to pre-1970 levels.

    Eliminating SS tax caps.

    Seriously address climate change.

    Unwinding all book bans.

    Enshrining reproductive rights in the constitution.

  • Drusas@fedia.io
    26 days ago

    #1: wealth inequality
    #2: climate change/environmental conservation

    Other high priorities: bodily autonomy/abortion, police and prison reform (yeah, I know, never going to happen), strengthening voting rights and democratic institutions, replacement of aging infrastructure, support for Ukraine, SCOTUS reform, universal healthcare

    • spacecadet@lemm.ee
      25 days ago

      Same number 1 but also address congressional reform on ethics and insider trading, but switch 2 to Supreme Court reform in the wake of Roe being overturned

  • blockheadjt@sh.itjust.works
    27 days ago

    Codify Roe

    Enact nationwide RCV at all levels of elections (anyone who is going to argue they can’t, if Trump can destroy things you thought couldn’t be destroyed, we can do the opposite)

    SCOTUS term limits and packing (expand it from 1 court to multiple courts, have each case only seen by 1 court, split the incumbent fascists across the multiple courts so their extremist views only ever amount to a minority dissent)

    Pardon all non-violent drug offenders at every level of incarceration (play hardball with state officials who don’t cooperate)

    Mandate all government buildings get their power 100% from renewables

  • Uncle_Abbie@lemmy.today
    25 days ago

    This is a little one, but: fix the post office.

    Trump got a bug up his butt about mail-in ballots, so he put a postmaster general in place with a mission to destroy it. He pretty much has: the service is slower, more expensive, and less reliable than it used to be.

    Biden was either unable or unwilling to remove him, but his term is about to end. Kamala will have an opportunity to put someone good in place who can rebuild what has been destroyed.

  • azimir@lemmy.ml
    26 days ago

    Build some damn trains! Our cities are sprawling car-infested shitholes compared to more modern city designs around the world.

    A single freeway interchange costs as much as a big light rail network for a medium sized city. It would transformative to build some modern infrastructure for once.

    Combine that with educating city councils on how zoning laws and architectural rules determine how a city’s space is used (usually very inefficiently and with ugly buildings). We’re making a sprawling, bland wasteland out of the beautiful American landscape by sheer ignorance and short sighted greed.

    • AA5B@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      I think it was CityNerd whose video I recently watched where one of the points was too many local flights still in Acela corridor.

      Acela is the closest US has to a high speed train and connects cities with huge populations, transit and the right distance for hsr. It’s hugely popular and has taken many flights out of the air and cars off the road, but it’s not enough. It’s still the most congested airspace in the US and there are 450 flights/day between major cities within the Acela service area. Current Acela levels of service are way below what people are demanding and it’s not enough. Nowhere near enough. Those 450 flights every day entirely within the Acela service area shouldn’t exist. We need train service good enough to start banning local flights

  • AA5B@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    There are too many, and too inter-related to really pick one out, but I agree with others to mostly continue Biden policies. As a moderate, he did start a lot of good things but it all takes too many years, too much money. We need to keep pushing.

    My first thought is the environment. We’ve done so much damage for so long and still keep pushing back. The IRA was huge but barely scratched the surface. There is so much that needs to be done and time is running short

    But you can’t work on the environment while being the biggest fossil fuel producer in history

    And trains are such a key part of decarbonizing transportation but can take a generation or more

    And you’re not getting anything done without fixing the courts

    And somehow we need to unstick large infrastructure projects like transmission lines and power generation

    And no one can afford this with the current wealth inequality and excessive cost of homes

  • Zier@fedia.io
    27 days ago

    Tax the rich & corporations based on their income, remove 90% of the tax deductions they can take. Make all businesses that do business in US borders pay taxes, no exceptions, even if they are located in another country. Regulate internet & cell providers like public utilities. Create strict privacy laws for all citizens. We are not a product to be exploited. Pass Human Rights laws for all Americans. Change the law to provide/allow personal banking from the central bank/Federal Reserve. Fix the USPS retirement funding requirement to allow a profit and growth of services. Tax churches. They are not ‘providing support to the community’ any longer. They are a business.

  • Surp@lemmy.world
    27 days ago

    Rent caps, ownership of property caps (it should be illegal to make a business off owning so many homes and raising the price to the point that most can’t afford a home as its a basic need just like water). Taxing the ever living shit out of the rich. Better funding for public schools and actually holding superintendents accountable for their actions and capping their pay based off of average pay of the other staff such as teachers/custodians/IT/maintenance in public schools. Price of groceries, then if theirs time price of almost everything else after COVID. It’s not a free market it’s controlled by the rich so control it back at this point.

  • booly@sh.itjust.works
    26 days ago

    Realistically, a lot of it could just be continuation of existing Biden policy:

    • Aggressive antitrust enforcement from the FTC and DOJ, slowly changing the inertia of the last 40 years of allowing consolidation and the neutering of century-old antitrust laws.
    • Continued pro-labor rulings from the NLRB to give workers more bargaining power as we unionize at Starbucks, Amazon, and other major workforces. Big union wins at automakers, airlines, logistics companies have emboldened new unionization drives at places like VW provide the momentum that need to be backed by government. Even places where unions have seen setbacks, like Mercedes Benz in Alabama, management has been running scared and trying to stave off unions with promises of unprecedented raises (which they’ve since reneged on after the union vote failed). We need to keep the pressure on, especially as the business cycle potentially turns to a tougher job market.
    • Marijuana rescheduling is proceeding along, and hopefully will be complete by the end of Biden’s term. The next administration will need to defend it in court, and implement the details for things like banking and medical research and licensing.

    Some Biden policies need to be bolstered with a combination of both continued executive action and new laws passed through Congress:

    • Many of Biden’s environmental regulations have been rolled back in the courts. A Harris admin should keep pushing on these fronts, but with coverage from Congress where possible.
    • Same with economic/workplace regs. The Department of Labor’s minimum wage exemption guidelines are being challenged in the courts right now, with Biden trying to push for the minimum salary of overtime-exempt workers to be at least $58k next year (the $44k minimum took effect on July 1, 2024). The FTC’s noncompete regulation, which would prohibit noncompete agreements for almost all workers, is tied up in the courts now.
    • Biden’s Department of Education has tried to implement student loan forgiveness, and lost at the Supreme Court. Now their watered down measures (easier repayment plans, interest forgiveness for certain borrowers) are in the courts, too. New legislation could fix this.

    Abortion, contraception, and family planning in general needs a combination of both strong executive action and new legislation:

    • Biden’s administration has fought, with mixed success, to make sure that state bans on abortion don’t interfere with federal priorities. DoD has official policy that pays for servicemembers and their families to travel to states where abortions are legal, if necessary to get care. DOJ and HHS are fighting to make sure that states can’t prevent life saving care that some extremists believe constitute abortion. The FDA has expanded access and availability of abortion medication through telehealth and prescriptions by mail.
    • Legislative areas worth fighting for include bolstering the authority of Medicare and FDA to preserve access to abortion and contraceptive care, including across state lines, removing the ban on federal funding for abortions, etc.

    These are all pretty modest, but very important. The actual machinery of government is immensely important, and we need people who are effective at making sure everything is working for the people.