A 67 year old lady at my job keeps calling the binder we share a tablet and every time she asks for it, I’m like, “what tablet?”. Yesterday I told her it’s a binder and she said it was called a tablet before my time. But all my grandparents are around the same age and they all call them binders. Was it a regional thing maybe? We’re in the US by the way.
Symptom of dementia?
No. Tablets come with paper included. Binders, you need to provide your own paper.
It’s very likely SHE called it that, or her parents, but they’ve always been wrong.
[off topic]
We were in a class talking about X-rays. One young woman kept insisting that ‘opaque’ was a color. We finally figured out that she had seen opaque pantyhose and been confused.
Alpha channel says she’s not wrong
All of you have the same misunderstanding.
“Opaque” is not a color, but you can have a color that is opaque.
A white canvas sheet will stop light from going through; it’s opaque white.