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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • You’re technically correct, but you’re still an asshole.

    Punishment for yelling fire in a crowded theater isn’t a first amendment violation. Yelling fire in a crowded theater when there isn’t a fire, you know there isn’t a fire, and a stampede occurs resulting in a death, is involuntarily manslaughter.

    Punishment for death threats isn’t a first amendment violation, but it is usually coercion.

    And publishing classified data without authorization is illegal, but it’s highly nuanced. It can be considered a first amendment right of the press to publish classified documents in some circumstances, but how they obtained those documents is definitely scrutinized. Then there’s always the question of “what is press” nowadays when literally everybody carries their own personal printing press in their pocket.

  • Oh man. “I saw it on TV!”. Exact same intonation my 4yo used when he saw a “trailer” for Mario Movie 2 when actually it was just some junk a highschool kid threw together in iMovie. Totally belief and innocent ignorance.

    It’s at that moment I realized that Trump isn’t just a useful idiot. He’s the perfect useful idiot.

    Like a part of me thinks that Trump might actually believe in Santa and that he looks an awful lot like that guy in the power tool show and sounds an awful lot like Buzz Lightyear.

  • I’d been meaning to try out atomic distros. I’m not an expert on Linux by any means but I’ve been using it on-and-off for about 25 years, and exclusively (at home, at least) for about 7. So I’m a bit more than a noob.

    I do worry if I’d feel restricted inside of an atomic distro. Might throw kininite on a laptop I’ve been meaning to give to my kid, tho.

  • Detroit failed because of automation and off-shoring. Things that could have been repaired or prevented politically, sure. But not directly caused by policies based in bigotry and ignorance.

    If any correlation can be made, it’s from white-flight. Which would be caused by Detroit’s massive loss of jobs and Florida’s massive loss of land. But white flight, imo, is the reaction, not the catalyst, of its downfall.