The Internal Revenue Service is preparing to help homeland security officials locate immigrants they are trying to deport, according to three officials familiar with the matter, in a shift toward using protected taxpayer information to help President Trump’s mass deportation push.
Under a draft of an agreement between the I.R.S. and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the tax agency would verify whether immigration officials had the right home address for people who have been ordered to leave the United States, according to a copy of the document viewed by The New York Times.
Many undocumented immigrants file tax returns with the I.R.S., giving the agency information about where they live, their families, their employers and their earnings. The I.R.S. has long encouraged undocumented immigrants to pay their taxes, giving people without Social Security numbers a separate nine-digit code called an individual taxpayer identification number to file their returns.
Tax information is closely guarded because federal law bars improper disclosure. I.R.S. officials had resisted earlier requests from the Department of Homeland Security to turn over information about unauthorized immigrants, warning that doing so could violate federal law.
This is going to lead to a whole lot of people not filing taxes out of fear of being deported. Not even just the undocumented, but also anyone who’s in this country perfectly legally but fears deportation because their skin is a little too brown.
Think about it. There is now a direct path between filing your taxes and ending up in an El Salvador prison.
Brown? A Canadian woman was just held for two weeks by ICE even though she was willing to pay for her own flight home, after her work visa was revoked because some idiot thought it was suspicious she got approved after an initial denial.
Skin color doesn’t matter anymore.
H&R Block agent:
I see you donated to the Democratic party and Planned Parenthood.
hits secret thug button under his desk
Just sit tight. I’ll be right back, sir.
You want people to dodge taxes? This is how you get people to dodge taxes.
Hah! I came here to make this exact comment.
I went and looked it up:
Nationally, undocumented immigrants pay $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022.
From: (First search result)
Will be interesting to see the decline in that number over the next 4 years or longer from the permanent damage it causes.
It’s not like they’re not still taking taxes out of their paychecks.
They’ll just find cash jobs instead of the risk of being deported for paying taxes.
If there’s cash jobs available, sure.
Cash jobs that aren’t totally exploiting their status.
And now that the rule of law is over …
So… the goal is to get rid of the illegal immigrants afraid to pay taxes… great plan.
No, these immigrants were paying taxes.
er yeah lol was toggling between get rid of the immigrants that pay taxes, or to make immigrants afraid to pay taxes… and somehow got half of each stuck together.
Yeah, they’ll just be afraid to attempt a return, so the government will keep it all, while spreading the lie that undocumented immigrants don’t pay taxes.
More likely that they would owe, and were filing in order to not draw undue attention. Now they’re disincentivized from taking on work that will result in employment and income taxes, hurting IRS income further.